More than 1,000 discussed the new Organic Regulation, Common Agriculture Policy, and future of our food system at first digital European Organic Congress
On 1-3 July, the first online edition of our European Organic Congress took place with more than 1,000 participants. This…
LIVESEED international workshop identifies top priorities to work towards 100% organic seed
LIVESEED’s international workshop on 25-26 June put the spotlight on North-West Europe and the EU organic regulation’s implementation on organic…
Take part in the members-only webinar on our vision & strategy toolkit
Are you an IFOAM EU member who is developing a vision & strategy process for your organisation? Our new member-only toolkit can…
European Patent Office: No patents on conventionally bred varieties
On 14 May 2020, the enlarged board of appeal of the European Patent Office (EPO) has released an opinion that…
Press Release: IFOAM EU welcomes landmark decision to put organic at the heart of future European food system
BRUSSELS, 20 MAY 2020 – IFOAM EU welcomes the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork (F2F) strategies and the target…
Transition to the new CAP: Rules agreed in European Parliament
On 28 April, the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) of the European Parliament voted on the rules of…
Open Letter: CSOs open letter on the importance and urgency of publishing the Farm to Fork strategy: no further delays, keep April 2020 as publication date
Brussels, 14 April 2020 To:Executive Vice-President Frans TimmermansCommissioner Stella KyriakidesCommissioner Janusz WojciechowskiCommissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius CC:Anne Bucher, Director-General of DG SANTE…
Charles Michel’s MFF proposal puts second-pillar budget at risk
Ahead of the extraordinary Council on EU’s long-term budget, the Multi-annual Financial Framework (MFF), Council President Charles Michel presented the…
BIOFACH session on organic seed and organic heterogenous material in the New EU Organic Regulation
On 14 February, IFOAM EU organized a session on Organic Seed and organic heterogenous material in the new EU Organic Regulation at…
PRESS RELEASE: IFOAM EU calls for a target of 20% organic land in the EU
BRUSSELS, 13 FEBRUARY 2020 – As the European Commission is expected to release the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies,…