BIOFACH session on organic seed and organic heterogenous material in the New EU Organic Regulation
On 14 February, IFOAM EU organized a session on Organic Seed and organic heterogenous material in the new EU Organic Regulation at…
PRESS RELEASE: IFOAM EU calls for a target of 20% organic land in the EU
BRUSSELS, 13 FEBRUARY 2020 – As the European Commission is expected to release the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies,…
Strong IFOAM EU representation at the European action days for Good food Good farming
22 October 2019 Strasbourg, France On October 22, IFOAM EU demanded good food and good farming at the European days…
PRESS RELEASE: The organic movement calls for a more ambitious CAP reform
BRUSSELS, 2 APRIL 2019 – The organic movement regrets the limited ambition of the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee on the…