Organic movement raises red flag on assumed benefits deregulating new genomic techniques
BRUSSELS, 29 APRIL 2021 – The organic food and farming movement criticises the Commission’s plan to work on a new…
About us
IFOAM Organics Europe General Assembly 2021 - Save the date and register now!
The IFOAM Organics Europe General Assembly 2021 will take place online on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 from 10:00 to 13:00…
About us
Saying goodbye to our colleague
We are saying goodbye to IFOAM Organics Europe’s Policy and Research & Innovation trainee Pia Müller-Cyran. Pia joined the office…
Discuss CAP, new EU Organic Regulation & more at the European Organic Congress 2021 - Remember to save the date!
Are you interested in discussing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the new EU Organic Regulation, rural development and more? Then save…
LIVESEED webinar for Members of the European Parliament & their staff - 30 March, online
On 30 March, LIVESEED invited Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff to present them the outcomes of…
About us
Browse interactive data on organic production and retail
IFOAM Organics Europe updated its interactive infographic presenting the EU’s 2019 organic production and retail data compiled by the Research…
Civil society, farmers and business organizations: Vice-President Timmermans, don't deregulate GM crops & animals
BRUSSELS, 30 MARCH 2021 – Today, a large coalition of 162 civil society, farmers and business organisations calls on Vice…
Welcome note March 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, On behalf of the European organic movement, I would like to welcome the new European Organic Action Plan…
CAP negotiations and a ‘super trilogue’: An update
Agriculture Ministers of the European Union met on 22-23 March to further discuss their position on the future of the…
[Exclusive for members] Let's discuss organic hot topics
As a follow-up of the thematic sessions hosted during BIOFACH, we are bringing our members live sessions during which they…
Secondary legislation on ‘Organic Heterogenous Material’ finalized
The secondary legislation on Organic Heterogenous Material (OHM) is in the process of being finalized and soon to be published…
New router database connects Member States’ organic seed databases
A long-awaited solution for seed suppliers, European organic farmers, and national authorities arrived. The new router database will increase the…
About us
Our members can provide input to our new internal strategy soon
In 2015, we launched the European organic movement’s shared Vision. In 2017, a movement-wide strategy culminated in a strategic Roadmap “Making it Happen”, highlighting pathways…
Organic agriculture as a living lab and front runner in applying digital technologies adapted to farmers' needs – Internet of Food & Farm 2020 final event - 16-18 March 2021, online
On 16-18 March, the final event of the Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020) project took place online. More…
About us
Welcoming our new colleague
IFOAM Organics Europe is excited to welcome its new colleague, who joined our team in March. Emel Ozturk
EUCARPIA-LIVESEED Conference - Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems - 8-10 March 2021, online
A conference organised by Latvian LIVESEED partner AREI to present recent scientific results in organic plant breeding took place on…
Listen to first episode of the #Food4EU podcast with IFOAM Organics Europe President Jan Plagge on the European Union’s role in shaping the organic market
IFOAM Organics Europe President Jan Plagge spoke during the first episode of the new podcast series on food and farming…
[Exclusive for members] GMOs and gene editing in agriculture: Event recordings available until 15 March
On 10 February 2021, more than 160 participants and 7 speakers joined the online event GMOs and gene editing in…
More than 1,000 attended our sessions at BIOFACH’s e-Special - 17-19 February 2021, online
On 17-19 February 2021, the first online edition of BIOFACH took place with more than 13,800 participants. 17 February: Opening…
About us
Want to learn more about IFOAM Organics Europe’s present, past and future work? Have a look at our updated 2-pages prospectus!
IFOAM Organics Europe is the European umbrella organisation for organic food and farming. We represent organic in European policymaking and…
Organic and Conventional sectors discuss genome editing at IFOAM Organics Europe event - 10 February 2021, online
IFOAM Organics Europe invited food & farming stakeholders and policymakers to discuss GMOs and gene editing in agriculture. With the…
Welcome note February 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, On behalf of the European organic movement, I would like to welcome you back after the winter break…
Detection Cibus’ GM-canola: An update
A regulation is only worth so much as it can be enforced. This is why on 7 September 2020, an…
Save the date: The organic movement meets online at BIOFACH 2021 Policy Day to discuss “25% European land in organic by 2030” - 17 February 2021, online
Organised by IFOAM Organics Europe in collaboration with BIOFACH, the Policy Day under the title 25% European Land in Organic…
Coming soon: EU router database for organic seed
The launch of the EU router database’s for organic seed is approaching! This database will : Simplify access to international…
Register now for our public event “GMOs and gene editing in agriculture: the benefits of regulation” - 10 February, online
How does organic & non-organic food and farming avoid contamination with GMOs? Why is it so relevant for food production…
“Wir haben es satt!” alliance : Use the election year to vote out an agricultural policy that is harmful to farmers, animals and the environment
This press release was first published by Wir Haben Es Satt! Agriculture change alliance (“We are fed up!”) demands sustainable…
Portuguese Presidency, Member States’ recommendations and draft Eco-scheme list: CAP reform is moving forward
On 1 January, Germany handed over the EU Council Presidency to Portugal. The Portuguese Presidency aims to finalise the CAP…
About us
Saying goodbye to our colleagues
Caterina Berardi We are saying goodbye to IFOAM Organics Europe Internal Communications and Membership Officer Caterina Berardi. Caterina started as…