Have your say! IFOAM Organics Europe provided feedback to the Commission’s EU School Scheme roadmap
As announced in the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, the Commission will “review the EU school scheme to enhance its…
True cost accounting, new genetic engineering techniques & more at Organic World Congress 2021
The Organic World Congress 2021 will take place 6-10 September in Rennes, France and online. It will address questions on…
BIOEXPO Warsaw – The international trade fair for organic food and non-food products 30 September - 2 October 2021
BIOEXPO Warsaw, the international trade fair for organic food and non-food products, will take place on 30 September – 2…
Register now for Organic Food Congress 2021 on 30 September-1 October, online & live from Warsaw!
Register now for our bi-annual Organic Food Conference 2021 (formerly Organic Processing Conference), taking place from 30 September-1 October online…
Organic regulations
Fill in our survey on pesticide residues in organic for a better and more harmonized future legal framework
The new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will enter into application in a few months, and there will not be…
Review of events
French and European food systems need to be transformed to address health, environmental and social challenges. However, the current policy…
Welcome note June 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, I am glad to tell you that IFOAM Organics Europe organised another successful digital edition of our European…
Preview of events
Interested in addressing questions around resilience, societal transformation, health and food sovereignty with more than2,500 organic stakeholders, farmers, researchers and…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
Ten take-aways of the European Organic Congress 2021 - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
Following a successful edition of the hybrid European Organic Congress 2021, we are happy to share the ten key take-aways…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
More than 660 discussed transitioning to more sustainable food & farming systems at European Organic Congress - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
This year’s edition of our European Organic Congress took place online and live from Lisbon on 16-18 June 2021. More…
EUREKA summer consortium meeting - 15-17 June 2021, online
On 15-17 June, all EUREKA’s partners virtually met at the project’s annual meeting to update and exchange about the project’s…
Getting food on the climate agenda - FoodSHIFT2030 webinar - 15 June 2021, online
Climate change policy debates fail to consider the interconnected nature of food systems and involve a wide range of actors.…
Organic World Congress 2021: Register now to the leading event for the global organic sector - 6-10 September, online and in Rennes, France
Interested in addressing questions around resilience, societal transformation, health and food sovereignty with more than 2,500 organic stakeholders, farmers, researchers…
Animal husbandry & grazing management in organic farming – Effects of the new EU Organic Regulation
On 10 June, the symposium on animal husbandry and grazing management in organic farming took place, organized by the Austrian…
TP Organics’ Organic Innovation Days 2021: Better inputs for organic farming - 30 November-1 December 2021, online
This year’s Organic Innovation Days, TP Organics’ annual event, will take place online on 30 November-1 December. Titled ‘Better inputs…
SCAR-AKIS meeting: Digitalisation in CAP strategic plans, European Partnerships development - 1-2 June, Online
TP Organics is part of the strategic working group of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research on Agricultural Knowledge and…
Symposium on animal husbandry and grazing management in organic farming
On 10 June, a symposium on animal husbandry and grazing management in organic farming will cover perspectives for organic producers…
Organic regulations
New Organic Regulations published
Two new Delegated Regulations of the New EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 were published in the EU Official Journal. Considering these…
For a just transition to align the EU food system with the Green Deal - 26 May 2021, online
French and European food systems need to be transformed to address health, environmental and social challenges. However, the current policy…
Registration for European Organic Congress open
Join our European Organic Congress 2021 ‘Organic’s contribution to the European Green Deal’ from 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon.…
Welcome note May 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, It is spring, a period I associate with birth and budding blossoms, the energetic execution of gardening plans…
Preview of events
Registration for the European Organic Congress 2021, taking place from 16-18 June, online & live from Lisbon, will open soon!…
Registration for European Organic Congress opens for members
Registration for the European Organic Congress 2021, taking place from 16-18 June, online & live from Lisbon, will open soon!…
Organic regulations
[Exclusive for members] “Let’s discuss organic: Organic Regulation” recording available!
The recording of the ‘Let’s discuss organic’ session on the Organic Regulation is now available for our members on our…
Review of events
On 18 March, ITAB organised a training on the ration planning tool developed within the OK-Net EcoFeed project, in cooperation…
Organic regulations
Coming up for organic operators: Guide on new EU Organic Regulation
New Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 will apply from 1 January 2022. The basic regulation published in June 2018 will be…
Best Economy Forum: Paving the way to a sustainable future - 20-22 April, online
The “Best Economy Forum” (BEF), an alternative economic summit, took place from Tuesday, 20 April to Thursday, 22 April 2021…
Organic Food Conference on 30 September to 1 October - Save the date!
On 30 September to 1 October 2021, our bi-annual Organic Food Conference (formerly Organic Processing Conference) is foreseen to take…
Organic regulations
New Organic Regulation published
The sixth secondary regulation to the new EU Organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848 has been published. It is Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/642 about labelling…
On virtual demo events, learning by doing and more – NEFERTITI annual meeting - 13-14 April 2021, online
The fourth NEFERTITI Annual Meeting was all about collective reflection: from demonstration and facilitation to network sustainability, communication, dissemination and…
Discuss CAP, new EU Organic Regulation & more at the European Organic Congress 2021 - Remember to save the date!
Are you interested in discussing the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the new EU Organic Regulation, rural development and more? Then save…
LIVESEED webinar for Members of the European Parliament & their staff - 30 March, online
On 30 March, LIVESEED invited Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and their staff to present them the outcomes of…
Review of events
IFOAM Organics Europe invited food & farming stakeholders and policymakers to discuss GMOs and gene editing in agriculture. With the…
Workshop "Organic districts revitalizing Rural areas" during Rural Vision Week 2021 - 25 March 2021
During the Rural Vision Week: Imagining the future of Europe’s rural areas, IFOAM Organics Europe organised a fringe workshop on…
Preview of events
The area under organic production is growing, leading to an increased demand for nutrient sources suitable for organic agriculture. FiBL…
Welcome note March 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, On behalf of the European organic movement, I would like to welcome the new European Organic Action Plan…
Political hotspot March 2021 newsletter
The new action plan for the development of the organic sector was published on 25 March 2021. IFOAM Organics Europe…
IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes new Organic Action Plan
BRUSSELS, 25 MARCH 2021 – The organic food and farming movement welcomes today’s publication of the European Organic Action Plan…
[Exclusive for members] Let's discuss organic hot topics
As a follow-up of the thematic sessions hosted during BIOFACH, we are bringing our members live sessions during which they…
ReMIX final Conference “Intercropping to boost agroecology in European Agriculture” - 23 March 2021, online
As the Horizon 2020 multi-actor project ReMIX draws to a close, its final conference “Intercropping to boost agroecology in European…
Organic agriculture as a living lab and front runner in applying digital technologies adapted to farmers' needs – Internet of Food & Farm 2020 final event - 16-18 March 2021, online
On 16-18 March, the final event of the Internet of Food and Farm 2020 (IoF2020) project took place online. More…
BEST ECONOMY forum 2021: Global players meet regional companies - 20-22 April 2021
Why is it that only the business leaders represented in Davos speak for the global economy? Where is the voice…
OK-Net EcoFeed ration planning tool training, meeting organic farmers’ needs - 18 March 2021, online
On 18 March, ITAB organised a training on the ration planning tool developed within the OK-Net EcoFeed project, in cooperation…
EUCARPIA-LIVESEED Conference - Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems - 8-10 March 2021, online
A conference organised by Latvian LIVESEED partner AREI to present recent scientific results in organic plant breeding took place on…
Join the “Rural Vision Week” from 22-26 March 2021 and attend our workshop on Organic Districts
From 22-26 March, the “Rural Vision Week: Imagining the futur of Europe’s rural areas“, organised by the European Network for…
Listen to first episode of the #Food4EU podcast with IFOAM Organics Europe President Jan Plagge on the European Union’s role in shaping the organic market
IFOAM Organics Europe President Jan Plagge spoke during the first episode of the new podcast series on food and farming…
Save the date for our European Organic Congress 2021 on 16-18 June
The 2021 edition of our European Organic Congress will take place on 16-18 June 2021, organised by IFOAM Organics Europe and our Portuguese partner Agrobio. As in previous editions, this year’s Congress will bring…
EURAKNOS Final Conference: From EURAKNOS to the EUREKA of European knowledge exchange - 25-26 February 2021, online
The EURAKNOS final consortium meeting took place on 25 February, the Final Conference on 26 February. As more sustainable practices…
FoodSHIFT2030’s webinar ‘Education for a new generation of food citizens’ - 25 February 2021, online
On 25 February, FoodSHIFT 2030 held a webinar highlighting the role of education to raise children’s awareness on the impact…
Interested in organic contaminants in recycled fertilizers? Register to RELACS webinar series! 3 March 2021 - 22 April 2021, online
The area under organic production is growing, leading to an increased demand for nutrient sources suitable for organic agriculture. FiBL…