Food policy
Large share of EU funds available to promote sustainable agriculture in 2023
On 16 December 2022, the European Commission has adopted the 2023 Annual Work Programme on the promotion of agricultural products.…
GMOs – An easy breakdown on common myths
Global grassroots organization Slow Food International has recently published a short myth-busting article with the most common, but wrong and…
About us
Happy Organic Holidays from IFOAM Organics Europe!
The IFOAM Organics Europe team wishes you all Happy Organic Holidays! We hope the last weeks of 2022 to be…
November newsletter: SUR, GMO-free event, and more!
Two weeks ago, we published our November newsletter and it’s rich in updates and information on the hottest organic topics!…
About us
Hiring now - Research & Innovation Coordinator, Partnership & Engagement Coordinator and Erasmus+ Trainee
IFOAM Organics Europe is seeking three self-motivated and responsible people to join our Research & Innovation team, Partnership & Engagement…
Agreement on new deforestation law
EU consumption is responsible for around 10% of global deforestation. In the beginning of December, the Council and European Parliament…
Green claims: better methodologies to assess environmental performance of food & textiles products
BRUSSELS, 29 NOVEMBER 2022 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes news about the Commission’s decision to postpone the publication of the…
Welcome note November 2022
Dear reader, I am happy to welcome you to this year’s last edition of our newsletter. I am proud to…
GMO-free Europe Event held at the European Parliament to take a stand discuss the European Commission's new NGT legislative proposal
The European Commission announced a new legislative proposal for so-called ‘Novel Genomic Techniques’ in the second quarter of 2023. This…
Sustainability labels, ”sustainable or not? That’s the question!”
In the current food environment, labels are crucial to provide consumers with information to help them make the sustainable choice.…
Farmers at the centre of research, innovation & knowledge exchange in TP Organics new study
Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe is a brand new study by TP Organics, the European technology platform…
The scientists behind the GMO deregulation lobby – A story of vested interests
Many scientists currently active in agricultural biotechnology who lobby for deregulating so-called ‘new genomic techniques’ (NGTs) in the European Union…
Add your signature – Support these EU-wide petitions to stop attempts to deregulate new GMOs
The European Commission is working on a new legislative proposal for ‘New Genomic Techniques’ (NGTs). We expect this to be…
Save the Date: GMO-Free Europe Event 2022 - 17 November
We invite you to join us for a GMO-free Europe event at the European Parliament to discuss the European Commission’s…
Food policy
Political Hotspot - September 2022
September is the month of the first informal meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture in Prague, Czech Republic. The Czech…
Welcome note September 2022 Newsletter - EU Organic Day and EU Organic Awards
23 September was a day of celebrations! Besides the autumn equinox, it was the second edition of EU Organic Day.…
About us
Review of events
TP Organics’ Science Day 2022 at BIOFACH’s summer edition was dedicated to digital technology for local and small-scale processing. Eduardo…
About us
IFOAM Organics Europe members, do you wonder how we spend your membership fee?
As part of a membership organisation, it is normal to pay a fee. As this can sometimes get a bit…
Preview of events
This year’s edition of the Organic Innovation Days, the only EU event on organic and agroecological research and innovation, will…
Worrying step to deregulating GMOs: EU Agriculture Commissioner says “no controversy about direction” among EU Agricultural Ministers
The recent Informal meeting of the EU Ministers of Agriculture set a worrying tone for the political agenda regarding Genetically…
Updates on pesticides and recycled nutrients: Regulation (SUR), statistics and data
IFOAM Organics Europe welcomed the Commission’s proposal on the revision of the Sustainable Use of pesticides Regulation (SUR). It could…
20-years of IFOAM Organics Europe in Brussels – Re-live the celebration
©Chris MarchalTake a look at our Facebook album for more pictures of the event On Wednesday 11 May 2022, more…
June newsletter: measuring pesticides, new GMOs, and more!
We just published our June newsletter and it’s rich in updates and information on the hottest organic topics! Not sure…
Preview of events
Pesticides threaten our food and farming systems.They kill pollinators like bees, reduce the quality of soils, endanger the health of…
Review of events
We were thrilled, after two years of digital events, to meet again at the 2022 European Organic Congress. Below you find…
Public consultation on new genomic techniques still ongoing + Member briefing
The 12-weeks consultation period of the European Commission in the context of the Impact Assessment for new legislation for ‘New…
Nature restoration law is published
On 22 June the European Commission published the proposal of a Nature Restoration Law together with the Sustainable Use of…
A more organic future: ten take-aways of the European Organic Congress 2022
We were thrilled, after two years of digital events, to meet again at the 2022 European Organic Congress. Below you…
Food policy
Delving into public consultations: The sustainable food system framework initiative and the EU school scheme
July will be a hot month! In part because of deadlines to public consultations geared at transforming the European food…
They make it happen! Green public procurement in Copenhagen’s public kitchens
Organic contributes to promoting and delivering healthy and sustainable diets. This is part of our Vision 2030 set out and…
Relive our 20-years anniversary reception
Last month, more than 100 people representing the European organic supply chain and movement, consisting of farmers, processors, retailers, certifiers,…
European organic movement stands in solidarity with Ukrainian organic farmers at European Organic Congress
BORDEAUX, FRANCE, 16 JUNE 2022 – Today, ahead of the start of the European Organic Congress 2022, the Ukrainian organic…
Food policy
Public consultation on the Sustainable Food System law: stakeholders invited to provide feedback!
On 28 April, the European Commission opened its public consultation for the sustainable food system framework initiative. All stakeholders, including…
IFOAM Organics Europe’s roundtable on organic canteens gathers torchbearers for fruitful exchanges
On 28 March, IFOAM Organics Europe organised a roundtable on organic canteens, bringing together relevant actors in the field to…
Celebrating 20 years of the European organic movement in Brussels
©Chris MarchalTake a look at our Facebook album for more pictures of the event On Wednesday 11 May 2022, more…
20 years of making Europe more organic
BRUSSELS, 11 MAY 2022 – Today, IFOAM Organics Europe celebrates its 20-years anniversary. Established in 2002 as the united voice…
Food policy
Opening of a public consultation on EU school fruit, vegetables, and milk scheme
On 5 May, the European Commission opened its public consultation for the revision of the EU school scheme, that supports…
Food policy
European Commission’s promotion policies: 157 projects submitted in 2022
The European Commission has recently published the results of its call for tenders under the 2022 edition of the promotion…
Food policy
European Parliament report on the organic action plan published
On 3 May, the European Parliament’s Plenary voted on its own initiative report on the Commission’s organic action plan (OAP).…
Commission opens public consultation on new legislation for new genetic engineering techniques
The EU Commission launched a 12-weeks consultation period in the context of the Impact Assessment for new legislation for ‘New…
About us
Saying goodbye to our colleagues
About us
Welcoming our new colleagues
EU Parliament AGRI Committee supports organic farming in vote on Organic Action Plan report
BRUSSELS, 31 MARCH 2022 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes ComAGRI’s vote on the Parliament’s Organic Action Plan (OAP) report. AGRI…
About us
Saying goodbye to our colleagues
No risk assessment and labelling for eggs and hens of genetically modified origin?
Following an EU Commission statement, it can be concluded that eggs and laying hens that originate from genetically engineered hens…
Learn about organic textiles & the EU Regulation on the pesticides in our member-only webinars
We continue our “Let’s Discuss Organic!” series of member-only webinars. Join experts from our team and network and discuss hot…
Food policy
Buy Better Food campaign wants to put sustainable food on all public plates
The time has come to make public food procurement a mainstream issue at European level. To this end, we participate…
About us
Volunteering at IFOAM Organics Europe: Team work and discovering Belgium
Hello, my name is Rico and in September I started working at IFOAM Organics Europe as one of the ESC…
Members can now get inspired for EU Organics Day & learn about EU Organic Awards
On 10 March, we held a webinar to inform the movement about the EU Organic Awards and inspire our members…
About us
The Year of organics Organics toolkit – Celebrate with us
This year, the European organic movement will celebrate its 20th anniversary. Together with IFOAM – Organics International’s 50th and IFOAM Asia’s 10th anniversary, 2022 will…