Climate change
Sustainable Carbon Cycles: New EU Communication
On 15 December, the European Commission presented its Communication on ‘Sustainable Carbon Cycles’. On the one hand, the Communication addresses…
They make it happen! Get inspired by ETHIQUABLE’s sustainable code of conduct
In 17 years of presence on the ground, Ethiquable measures how dedicated fair trade is able to provide an answer…
Do you contribute to transforming European food and farming? Submit your initiative & inspire!
A variety of organic and other initiatives are already revolutionizing food and farming across Europe, paving the way for the…
EU releases soil strategy & plans legal initiative in 2023
On 17 November, the European Commission published the EU Soil Strategy for 2030 together with a proposal for a regulation…
Climate change
COP26: Outcomes relevant to food, land & agriculture
The UN Climate Change Conference (COP 26) took place from 31 October to 12 November 2021 in Glasgow. Even though…
Climate change
COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland
From 31 October to 12 November, the UN’s climate change conference (UNFCCC COP26) will take place in Glasgow, Scotland in…
Share with us your organic initiative and inspire others to transform food and farming systems!
The European organic movement’s vision is transforming food and farming in Europe. To achieve this ambitious and shared Vision for…
They make it happen! Playing a key role in the value chain: Transilvania Acasă
Organic food & farming systems aim a developing and adopting new tools to create transparency from farm to fork and…
Over 1 million signatures demanding a restoration of biodiversity & support for farmers
Across Europe, more than 1 million citizens are calling for a reduction of 80% in the use of synthetic pesticides…
Climate change
EU organic movement’s reply to public consultation on carbon farming initiative
The European Commission invited stakeholders to provide input to a roadmap for the Commission’s initiative aimed at developing sustainable carbon…
The future of organic food: Ten take-aways of the Organic Food Conference 2021
Our Organic Food Conference 2021 was a success, and we are happy to share the ten key take-aways. The European…
Public consultation on carbon farming initiative roadmap & re-launch climate change task force
The European Commission has opened its public consultation on the roadmap for the initiative “Restoring sustainable carbon cycles” and feedback…
Help us show that organic is a front-runner in transforming food & farming
To make our shared Vision for organic in 2030 a reality, we collect European initiatives that are transforming EU food…
They make it happen! Improving biodiversity with flower strip in orchards
According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) the current biodiversity loss we are witnessing is “the greatest…
Welcome note June 2021 newsletter
Dear readers, I am glad to tell you that IFOAM Organics Europe organised another successful digital edition of our European…
Comics showing why industrial agriculture is broken
In May 2020, the EU released its Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies as part of the European Green Deal.…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
Ten take-aways of the European Organic Congress 2021 - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
Following a successful edition of the hybrid European Organic Congress 2021, we are happy to share the ten key take-aways…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
More than 660 discussed transitioning to more sustainable food & farming systems at European Organic Congress - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
This year’s edition of our European Organic Congress took place online and live from Lisbon on 16-18 June 2021. More…
Getting food on the climate agenda - FoodSHIFT2030 webinar - 15 June 2021, online
Climate change policy debates fail to consider the interconnected nature of food systems and involve a wide range of actors.…
IPBES and IPCC call to prioritize solutions benefiting both biodiversity and climate
On 10 June 2021, scientist and leading experts from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and…
For a just transition to align the EU food system with the Green Deal - 26 May 2021, online
French and European food systems need to be transformed to address health, environmental and social challenges. However, the current policy…
They make it happen! Preserving land for local and agroecological farming
By 2030, we want organic on every table. We want organic and agroecological practices employed on more than half of…
Our members can now provide feedback to our new internal strategy
We are working on our new internal strategy. To make sure you, our membership, have a say in this, we…
How can Europe rise to face agroecological transition? Nyéléni Europe’s policy report
How can the European Green Deal, the EU Farm to Fork Strategy, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and land policies…
They make it happen! Making good food the easy choice for everyone
Organic contributes to promoting and delivering healthy and sustainable diets. This is part of our Vision 2030 set out and…
Towards a new framework for EU soils?
Soil is a non-renewable resource key to all growing and living on it. Part of the EU Biodiversity strategy for…
European Commission’s Soil Strategy
Healthy soils are essential to meet climate and biodiversity goals set by the European Green Deal. As part of the…
Policy report "Roots of resilience: Land policy for an agroecological transition in Europe"
A collective of organisations, coming together under the banner of the Nyéléni Europe Food Sovereignty, have just released a new…
Do you have an initiative making Europe more organic? Share it with us and inspire others to transform food and farming systems!
Making Europe more organic has always been the European organic movement’s mission. Working towards this goal means leading change, believing…
Climate change
Read EIP-AGRI’s brochure on climate-smart agriculture and learn about solutions for resilient farming and forestry
Farming significantly contributes to climate change with agriculture being responsible for about 10% of greenhouse gas emissions in the European…
They make it happen! Generating added value through an organic grass-fed beef quality scheme
By 2030, the European organic movement wants a fair distribution of value and power in the food supply chain, and…
Are you making Europe more organic? Share your initiative transforming food and farming systems with us and inspire others!
The organic movement is a front-runner when it comes to setting the stage for fair, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring…
They make it happen! Enriching plant genetic diversity by bringing landrace varieties back into people’s gardens and plates
Are you a researcher, producer, breeder or simply interested in organic seeds? Get inspired by the Hungarian Research Institute of…
The European organic movement welcomes opportunities promoting organic agriculture in the European Commission's promotion policy work programme
The European organic movement welcomes the special attention reserved to organic agriculture in the European Commission’s promotion policy work programme.…
They make it happen! Crete’s Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network protects Crete’s national heritage
All over Europe, citizens are working to make food and farming systems fairer, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring. In Greece,…
Political hotspot November 2020 newsletter
The European Commission is set to publish the next European organic action plan (OAP) at the beginning of next year.…
Lead by example! Check out inspiring initiatives from the organic sector and submit your own
Are you contributing to the transformation of European food and farming systems? Showcase your initiative at! To achieve the…
1 million citizens are calling on the Commission: Our forests are in danger, act now!
One million people demand EU law to stop deforestation More than a million people have so far called for a…
Our suggestions for the new Organic Action plan
The Commission is set to publish the next European organic action plan at the beginning of next year and has…
They make it happen! Get inspired by Biopartner and help improve, inspire and deliver organic across Europe
Transforming European food and farming systems by 2030, the shared vision of the organic movement, means improving how we grow…
Do you have an initiative that is transforming food & farming? Share it with us to get visibility & inspire others!
To make the EU Green Deal a reality, we will need to transform food and farming. The organic movement has…
The Commission’s first Farm to Fork conference – Review & highlights - 15-16 October 2020, online
The European Commission’s first Farm to Fork conference took place on 15–16 October 2020 and focused on how to build…
From vision to strategy: Develop your organisational strategy with our toolkit
Last month, we shared with you why it is useful to develop your organisation’s vision, and how you can do…
They make it happen! Get inspired by Demeter Academy and their partners’ initiative to bring organic on every table in Germany
Taking over an organic farm or setting up your own new enterprise in the organic sector can be challenging. In…
Open letter calling for full alignment of the reformed CAP with the European Green Deal
Together with NGOS and national coalitions from across Europe, IFOAM Organics Europe urges the President of the European Commission, the…
Develop your own vision and strategy using our member-only toolkit
By 2030, the organic movement wants fair, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring food and farming systems across Europe. That is…
Making Europe more organic using the EcoLocal Market app
Get inspired by a Spanish app! To make the organic value chain fairer and more transparent, two women developers have…
Help protecting our forests by demanding deforestation free supply-chains – Together4Forests
Forests and other ecosystems are under pressure worldwide: A total of 13 million hectares are deforested each year and almost…
Take part in the members-only webinar on our vision & strategy toolkit
Are you an IFOAM EU member who is developing a vision & strategy process for your organisation? Our new member-only toolkit can…