Celebrating EU Organic Day and rewarding excellent examples
On 23 September, EU Organic Day, Europe celebrate its organic sector and operators. Locally and nationally, the movement was extra…
Advisory services & advisors, join our OrganicAdviceNetwork
We invite agricultural and rural advisory services and advisors with interest and competences in organic agriculture to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork.…
Organic living labs develop and test food security & resilience scenarios
Helping to create and support “living labs” (LLs) is an important strategy within EU research and innovation to promote the…
The EU has continent-wide Nature Restoration Law
Today, the Nature Restoration Law entered into force. The law’s objective is the long-term recovery of nature in the EU’s…
Driving organic growth? OrganicTargets4EU analysis of CAP Strategic Plans
The OrganicTargets4EU project analysed current organic agricultural and aquaculture policies, revealing increased support for organic agriculture following legislative initiatives by…
Biodiversity management in organic greenhouses – Webinar available
In the frame of in the IPMWORKS project, we hosted a webinar on greenhouses and biodiversity – the last one…
Welcome back, Ms von der Leyen. EU organic looks forward to continue transforming our rural areas & food systems
BRUSSELS, 18 JULY 2024 – The European organic movement congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of…
Positive steps for EU’s resilience in Council decisions on nature restoration, soil monitoring law & green claims
On 17 June, European legislation on soil, nature, and environmental labelling took a few steps forward as the Council of…
Join our network of advisory services and advisors – OrganicAdviceNetwork
External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s…
Starting the first European network of organic advisors
Last April, 18 European project partners of the OrganicAdviceNetwork project met for three days planning the first steps to set-up…
Organic Farm Knowledge: Free, online knowledge exchange for organic food & farming
Organic and agroecological farming systems are knowledge-intensive and rely on a two-way approach. Research priorities are based on farmers’ needs…
OrganicTargets4EU: Unlocking the potential of AKIS for the organic sector
The EU Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy set the ambitious target of reaching 25% of agricultural land…
Nature restoration in jeopardy – Member States’ Environment Ministers endanger another EU law
After reaching a trilogue agreement on the Nature Restoration Law last November, adoption of a piece of European Union legislation…
Organics Europe's stance on Member State's efforts to delay anti-deforestation law (EUDR)
Some EU Member States, spearheaded by Austria and endorsed by Finland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden, are trying to weaken…
OrganicAdviceNetwork project, the first Europe-wide network for organic advisors, starting soon!
As the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy aims to achieve 25% of organic farmland in the EU by 2030, new organic farmers…
Read our new leaflet on plant health care in organic farming
Have you ever heard of all the preventive plant protection measures implemented by organic farmers to produce food without using…
Over 1 million signatures demanding a restoration of biodiversity & support for farmers
Across Europe, more than 1 million citizens are calling for a reduction of 80% in the use of synthetic pesticides…
Sign ‘save bees and farmers’ before 30 September!
In case you have not signed the European Citizens’ Initiative to ‘Save bees and farmers’ yet, you can still do…
Only few days left to sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to save bees and farmers!
To those in our network who have not signed the European Citizens’ Initiative to ‘Save bees and farmers’ yet, you…
How can EU policies consider organic farming’s benefits for biodiversity?
IFOAM Organics Europe recently published a new report highlighting the contribution of organic farming to protecting Europe’s biodiversity. By setting…
Comics showing why industrial agriculture is broken
In May 2020, the EU released its Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategies as part of the European Green Deal.…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
Ten take-aways of the European Organic Congress 2021 - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
Following a successful edition of the hybrid European Organic Congress 2021, we are happy to share the ten key take-aways…
Beekeepers and civil society concerned about pesticide risk assessment methodology
At the Agriculture and Fisheries (AGRIFISH) Council on 28-29 June, Member State representatives will vote on a crucial step for…
Climate change
EU's agrifood vision
Food policy
Organic regulations
More than 660 discussed transitioning to more sustainable food & farming systems at European Organic Congress - 16-18 June, online, live from Lisbon
This year’s edition of our European Organic Congress took place online and live from Lisbon on 16-18 June 2021. More…
IPBES and IPCC call to prioritize solutions benefiting both biodiversity and climate
On 10 June 2021, scientist and leading experts from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and…
Organic is Part of the Solution in Ensuring Biodiversity
This article was first published by IFOAM Organics International on their blog ‘Organic without boundaries‘. Each and every animal, microorganism…
Sign the European Citizens’ Initiative to save bees and farmers!
To all our members, newsletter subscribers & website visitors who have not signed the European Citizens’ Initiative to ‘Save bees…
Towards a new framework for EU soils?
Soil is a non-renewable resource key to all growing and living on it. Part of the EU Biodiversity strategy for…
European Commission’s Soil Strategy
Healthy soils are essential to meet climate and biodiversity goals set by the European Green Deal. As part of the…
Help us save bees and farmers - sign the petition to transform Europe’s food and farming systems now!
Do you want to help save bees and farmers? Then add your signature to The European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) before…