

50% pesticide reduction - Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator?

30 September 2024, online In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides…

New study confirms the leading role of organic farming in contributing to agriculture’s climate objectives

BRUSSELS, 25 NOVEMBER – According to a new analysis of the expected contribution of CAP Strategic Plans to greenhouse gas…

EU Agri-food Chain Observatory meets: Lack of agrifood data 

On 15 October, the EU Agri-food Chain Observatory met for the second time in Brussels and online. Launched this summer,…

How can EU agriculture contribute to climate neutrality?

On 28 October IFOAM Organics Europe hosted ClieNFarms’ second public policy workshop How can the EU agricultural sector contribute to…

50% pesticide reduction - Mission accomplished or time for a reliable indicator?

In a well-attended webinar GLOBAL2000 and IFOAM Organics Europe presented an alternative to the much-contested pesticides measurement tool, the Harmonized…

IFOAM Organics Europe and European Citizens' Initiative condemn "fake pesticide reduction"

Methodologies are a political choice: Harmonised Risk-Indicator (HRI-1) misleads EU citizens and harms organic agriculture BRUSSELS/VIENNA, 30 SEPTEMBER 2024 –…

Celebrating EU Organic Day and rewarding excellent examples

On 23 September, EU Organic Day, Europe celebrate its organic sector and operators. Locally and nationally, the movement was extra…

Advisory services & advisors, join our OrganicAdviceNetwork

We invite agricultural and rural advisory services and advisors with interest and competences in organic agriculture to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork.…

Organic living labs develop and test food security & resilience scenarios

Helping to create and support “living labs” (LLs) is an important strategy within EU research and innovation to promote the…

Task force on biocontrol starts its work

IFOAM Organics Europe’s new Task Force on Biocontrol will take up its work in September. The group will discuss this…

The EU has continent-wide Nature Restoration Law

Today, the Nature Restoration Law entered into force. The law’s objective is the long-term recovery of nature in the EU’s…

Driving organic growth? OrganicTargets4EU analysis of CAP Strategic Plans

The OrganicTargets4EU project analysed current organic agricultural and aquaculture policies, revealing increased support for organic agriculture following legislative initiatives by…

EU Organic Regulation updates: FAQ on organic rules & second list of compliant control bodies

The Commission has updated its Frequently asked questions on organic rules with new topics. It now also clarifies questions on:…

Biodiversity management in organic greenhouses – Webinar available

In the frame of in the IPMWORKS project, we hosted a webinar on greenhouses and biodiversity – the last one…

Challenges and opportunities facing organic & how policies can be part of the solution

Ahead of the EU elections, our Director, Eduardo Cuoco was interviewed about the current challenges organic faces. In two pieces…

Welcome back, Ms von der Leyen. EU organic looks forward to continue transforming our rural areas & food systems

BRUSSELS, 18 JULY 2024 – The European organic movement congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of…

CDG meeting on organic farming: Agroforestry, plant protection & compliance

Organic stakeholders exchanged with the Commission on synergies between agroforestry and organic, plant protection products and the regulatory switch from…

Positive steps for EU’s resilience in Council decisions on nature restoration, soil monitoring law & green claims

On 17 June, European legislation on soil, nature, and environmental labelling took a few steps forward as the Council of…

Open webinar on biodiversity management in organic greenhouses

We are organising a series of free and open webinars relevant to organic farming as part of our involvement in…

ECOSCORE: organic farming organisations reach an agreement ending legal procedures with ADEME, YUKA and its partners [EN+FR versions]

[French version below] BRUSSELS, PARIS, 4 JUNE 2024 – “In January 2023, the European federation of organic agriculture (IFOAM ORGANICS…

Join our network of advisory services and advisors – OrganicAdviceNetwork 

External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s…

Policies should promote uptake of biocontrol

The European organic movement and international biocontrol manufacturers call on the European Commission to ensure faster registration and uptake of…

Starting the first European network of organic advisors

Last April, 18 European project partners of the OrganicAdviceNetwork project met for three days planning the first steps to set-up…

Organic Farm Knowledge: Free, online knowledge exchange for organic food & farming

Organic and agroecological farming systems are knowledge-intensive and rely on a two-way approach. Research priorities are based on farmers’ needs…

Commission's proposed measures on unfair trading practices

In April 2024, the European Commission unveiled its non-paper Position of farmers in the food supply chain: next steps. In…

IBMA and IFOAM Organics Europe call for policies to promote the uptake of biocontrol

IFOAM Organics Europe and the International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association (IBMA) call for policies to promote the uptake of safe, environmentally…

OrganicTargets4EU: Unlocking the potential of AKIS for the organic sector

The EU Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy set the ambitious target of reaching 25% of agricultural land…

Nature restoration in jeopardy – Member States’ Environment Ministers endanger another EU law

After reaching a trilogue agreement on the Nature Restoration Law last November, adoption of a piece of European Union legislation…

Organics Europe's stance on Member State's efforts to delay anti-deforestation law (EUDR)

Some EU Member States, spearheaded by Austria and endorsed by Finland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Sweden, are trying to weaken…

OrganicAdviceNetwork project, the first Europe-wide network for organic advisors, starting soon!

As the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy aims to achieve 25% of organic farmland in the EU by 2030, new organic farmers…

New faces and new projects in the Research & Innovation Unit 

A new year means new research and innovation (R&I) projects! Several new Horizon Europe projects in which IFOAM Organics Europe…

Green claims: organic movement applauds renewed recognition of PEF's shortcomings for agrifood

BRUSSELS, 14 FEBRUARY 2024 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes today’s vote on green claims as it underscores the limitations of…

Von der Leyen yields to farmer’s groups demands to shelve the Sustainable Use of Pesticide Regulation proposal

This week the European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen announced in a concession to farmers, after weeks of protests…

Green Claims: Organics Europe highlights Product Environmental Footprint method's shortcomings for agri-food

BRUSSELS, 23 JANUARY 2024 – As compromise amendment negotiations on the Green Claims Directive proposal are taking place within the…

Join us at the Climate Conference COP25 | Time for Action

The 25th UN Climate Change Conference (COP25) started 03 December in Madrid and will run until 13 December. As every year, IFOAM…

Developing Organic: Join our ‘Pesticide use and contamination’ project

Dear IFOAM EU members, Today we’re launching a call to join our first ‘Developing Organic’ project on Pesticide use and contamination:…

Policy brief on the organic approach to inputs - Plant protection products, fertilisers, veterinary drugs and feed additives explained

A new policy brief offers a clearer picture on the principles and regulations governing the use of different inputs in…

PRESS RELEASE - Taxation can be a tool towards true cost accounting according to new study

BOLZANO, ITALY, 10 APRIL 2019 – Conventional potato cultivation in Germany costs €1298/hectare in ground water pollution alone. For organic…

IFOAM EU welcomes the agreement on a new Fertiliser Regulation

IFOAM EU welcomes the agreement on a new Fertilising Product Regulation (FPR), reached after almost two years of negotiations. Around…

From Italy to Japan - Findings on behavioural manipulation as an alternative to the use of paraffin oil in greenhouse whitefly control presented in Japan

The RELACS project just published its third news story, focusing on the experience of Valeria Fattoruso, researcher at RELACS’ partner…

Post-Conference highlights from COP24

The 24th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC) was held in Katowice,…
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