Funding opportunities for sustainable food systems: FutureFoodS & AGROECOLOGY Partnership
Are you working on innovative solutions for sustainable agriculture and food systems? Don’t miss these two exciting opportunities to fund…
Celebrating EU Organic Day and rewarding excellent examples
On 23 September, EU Organic Day, Europe celebrate its organic sector and operators. Locally and nationally, the movement was extra…
Advisory services & advisors, join our OrganicAdviceNetwork
We invite agricultural and rural advisory services and advisors with interest and competences in organic agriculture to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork.…
Driving organic growth? OrganicTargets4EU analysis of CAP Strategic Plans
The OrganicTargets4EU project analysed current organic agricultural and aquaculture policies, revealing increased support for organic agriculture following legislative initiatives by…
Welcome back, Ms von der Leyen. EU organic looks forward to continue transforming our rural areas & food systems
BRUSSELS, 18 JULY 2024 – The European organic movement congratulates Ursula von der Leyen on her re-election as President of…
Join our network of advisory services and advisors – OrganicAdviceNetwork
External advisory services and advisors with organic competences or an interest in organic are invited to join the OrganicAdviceNetwork project’s…
Starting the first European network of organic advisors
Last April, 18 European project partners of the OrganicAdviceNetwork project met for three days planning the first steps to set-up…
Organic Farm Knowledge: Free, online knowledge exchange for organic food & farming
Organic and agroecological farming systems are knowledge-intensive and rely on a two-way approach. Research priorities are based on farmers’ needs…
OrganicTargets4EU: Unlocking the potential of AKIS for the organic sector
The EU Green Deal and the Farm to Fork strategy set the ambitious target of reaching 25% of agricultural land…
Research call ‘Fostering agroecology at farm & landscape levels’ open
The new European Research & Innovation Partnership AGROECOLOGY has launched its first call “Fostering agroecology at farm and landscape levels”.…
IFOAM Organics Europe regrets a CAP simplification without vision
BRUSSELS, 15 MARCH 2024 – IFOAM Organics Europe warns that the CAP simplification proposal presented today by the Commission is…
OrganicAdviceNetwork project, the first Europe-wide network for organic advisors, starting soon!
As the EU Farm-to-Fork Strategy aims to achieve 25% of organic farmland in the EU by 2030, new organic farmers…
New faces and new projects in the Research & Innovation Unit
A new year means new research and innovation (R&I) projects! Several new Horizon Europe projects in which IFOAM Organics Europe…
They make it happen! Enriching plant genetic diversity by bringing landrace varieties back into people’s gardens and plates
Are you a researcher, producer, breeder or simply interested in organic seeds? Get inspired by the Hungarian Research Institute of…
The European organic movement welcomes opportunities promoting organic agriculture in the European Commission's promotion policy work programme
The European organic movement welcomes the special attention reserved to organic agriculture in the European Commission’s promotion policy work programme.…
Reaching 25% organic land in Europe by 2030: Ten priorities for the new EU Organic Action Plan
The European Commission is set to publish the next European Organic Action Plan (OAP) at the beginning of 2021. A…
IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business online – a successful event! 8-9 December 2020, online
On 8-9 December 2020, 80 participants, from all walks of the organic supply chain and beyond, joined the 3rd edition…
They make it happen! Crete’s Culinary Sanctuaries Educational Network protects Crete’s national heritage
All over Europe, citizens are working to make food and farming systems fairer, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring. In Greece,…
Political hotspot November 2020 newsletter
The European Commission is set to publish the next European organic action plan (OAP) at the beginning of next year.…
Lead by example! Check out inspiring initiatives from the organic sector and submit your own
Are you contributing to the transformation of European food and farming systems? Showcase your initiative at! To achieve the…
Registration to IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business 2020 closes next week. Secure your spot!
IFOAM Organics Europe Meets Business 2020 is around the corner! In a little more than two weeks we will meet…
Our suggestions for the new Organic Action plan
The Commission is set to publish the next European organic action plan at the beginning of next year and has…
They make it happen! Get inspired by Biopartner and help improve, inspire and deliver organic across Europe
Transforming European food and farming systems by 2030, the shared vision of the organic movement, means improving how we grow…
Welcome note October 2020 newsletter
Dear readers, As Board Vice President of IFOAM Organics Europe and prospective member of the TP Organics Steering Committee, it…
Farm to Fork
The 6th ALGOA Summit “Building Alliances Beyond Asia” – IFOAM Organics Europe contributes with overview and opportunities of Farm to Fork Strategy - 13 October 2020, online
On 12-16 October 2020, over 1,600 participants from 46 countries joined the 6th ALGOA Summit “Building Alliances Beyond Asia” which…
IFOAM Organics Europe meets business – Agenda available! 8-9 December, online
Save the date for the next “IFOAM Organics Europe meets business” taking place online on 8-9 December 2020. “Bringing the…
R&I policy
TP Organics participates in EIP-AGRI workshop on the ‘mission for soil health and food’ - 20-21 October 2020, online
On 20-21 October 2020, TP Organics participated in EIP-AGRI’s workshop ‘Shaping the EU mission: Caring for soil is caring for…
Do you have an initiative that is transforming food & farming? Share it with us to get visibility & inspire others!
To make the EU Green Deal a reality, we will need to transform food and farming. The organic movement has…
The Commission’s first Farm to Fork conference – Review & highlights - 15-16 October 2020, online
The European Commission’s first Farm to Fork conference took place on 15–16 October 2020 and focused on how to build…
From vision to strategy: Develop your organisational strategy with our toolkit
Last month, we shared with you why it is useful to develop your organisation’s vision, and how you can do…
They make it happen! Get inspired by Demeter Academy and their partners’ initiative to bring organic on every table in Germany
Taking over an organic farm or setting up your own new enterprise in the organic sector can be challenging. In…
R&I policy
TP Organics takes part in SCAR workshop on new Food Systems Partnership - 1 October 2020, online
On 1 October, TP Organics participated in the Food Systems Partnership workshop, organized by the SCAR Food Systems Strategic Working…
EU Parliament and Council close to adopt their position on CAP regulations
Are we entering the final stretch of the CAP negotiation process? After more than two years since the Commission published…
Launch of the Green Deal call at the European Research & Innovation Days 2020
From 22-24 September, the European Research and Innovation Days, the European Commission’s annual flagship event, brought together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs,…
EIP-AGRI Seminar “CAP Strategic Plans: the key role of AKIS in Member States”
From 16-18 September, the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) held an online seminar about the development of Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation…
Develop your own vision and strategy using our member-only toolkit
By 2030, the organic movement wants fair, environmentally conscious, healthy and caring food and farming systems across Europe. That is…
Making Europe more organic using the EcoLocal Market app
Get inspired by a Spanish app! To make the organic value chain fairer and more transparent, two women developers have…
TP Organics and other European Technology Platforms propose joint research & innovation priorities for a sustainable food system
The European Technology Platforms (ETPs) TP Organics, Plants for the Future, and Food for Life have jointly published a policy…
Welcome note July 2020
Dear IFOAM Organics Europe members,Dear reader, I am honoured and humbled by the trust you are putting into my colleagues…
Political hotspot July 2020
With the publication of the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork (F2F) strategies, the European Commission puts organic food and…
More than 1,000 discussed the new Organic Regulation, Common Agriculture Policy, and future of our food system at first digital European Organic Congress
On 1-3 July, the first online edition of our European Organic Congress took place with more than 1,000 participants. This…
TP Organics participates in webinars on Agroecology Partnership
One of the eight European Partnerships planned in cluster 6 of Horizon Europe will be about “Agroecology Living Labs and…
Take part in the members-only webinar on our vision & strategy toolkit
Are you an IFOAM EU member who is developing a vision & strategy process for your organisation? Our new member-only toolkit can…
R&I policy
“In the name of innovation”: Two new investigative reports published by Corporate Europe Observatory
Corporate Europe Observatory recently published two investigative reports on how industry controls EU research funding. In the name of innovation,…
Press Release: IFOAM EU welcomes landmark decision to put organic at the heart of future European food system
BRUSSELS, 20 MAY 2020 – IFOAM EU welcomes the EU Biodiversity and Farm to Fork (F2F) strategies and the target…
R&I policy
SmartAgriHubs launched its special Covid-19 open call! Apply before 3 June
As Europe is facing the Covid-19 crisis, it must further stimulate development of digital innovations which can tackle the challenges…
TP Organics webinar on Horizon Europe attracts 59 participants
On 5 May 2020, TP Organics held a successful webinar about Horizon Europe, giving a preview of the EU’s next…
Coming soon - SmartAgriHubs open call, supporting new Innovation Experiments in the agrifood sector
The SmartAgriHubs project is soon launching its much-awaited open call! If you are a Digital Innovation Hub (DIH), supporting one…
Open Letter: CSOs open letter on the importance and urgency of publishing the Farm to Fork strategy: no further delays, keep April 2020 as publication date
Brussels, 14 April 2020 To:Executive Vice-President Frans TimmermansCommissioner Stella KyriakidesCommissioner Janusz WojciechowskiCommissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius CC:Anne Bucher, Director-General of DG SANTE…
Priority challenges for the first Work Programme of Horizon Europe – Position paper published by TP Organics
In view of the preparation of the first Work Programme of Horizon Europe, TP Organics has developed a Position Paper. It…