Fostering EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to transform agri-food systems
Right before the EU’s annual Agricultural Outlook conference, TP Organics held its event EU-international cooperation in research & innovation to…
Climate change
Parliament votes on Carbon Removal Certification Framework: Cautious welcome
The European Parliament’s Plenary has voted on their position on the Carbon Removal Certification Framework (CRCF). IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes…
European Commission launches technical workshops gathering input for new CAP
While the new CAP’s first year of implementation is finishing, the European Commission is intensively working to prepare the CAP…
Protecting our soils across the EU
In July, the European Commission published its proposal on a Soil Monitoring and Resilience law. As IFOAM Organics Europe, we…
Organic Innovation Days 2023: Citizen-driven transformation of European food systems
TP Organics’ annual Organic Innovation Days – the only EU event on organic and agroecological research and innovation – took…
Organic research & innovation to deliver sustainable food & farming systems – TP Organics position paper
TP Organics’ new position paper puts forward priorities for the third and final Work Programme of Horizon Europe (2025-2027) –…
Organic and agroecological farming are best guarantee for long-term food security, says new TP Organics policy brief
TP Organics, the European Technology Platform for Research & Innovation into Organics and Agroecology hosted by IFOAM Organics Europe, has…
Discuss citizen-driven transformation of European food systems at the Organic Innovation Days
On 25-26 October the annual Organic Innovation Days 2023 are taking place in Brussels themed ‘Citizen-driven transformation of European food…
Promoting social innovation through public canteens! Join us at the EU Week of Regions and Cities
On 10 October, we are organising a high-level workshop Promoting Social Innovation through public canteens to advocate for the implementation…
Climate change
European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee focusses on monetisation of carbon credits
Members of the European Parliament’s Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) voted on their opinion on carbon farming in…
"Organic and agroecological farming are the best guarantee for long-term food security", says new TP Organics Policy Brief
BRUSSELS, 5 SEPTEMBER 2023 – At today’s high-level expert webinar “Safeguarding long-term food security”, TP Organics, the European Technology Platform…
From a Soil Health law to a Soil Monitoring Directive
On 5 July, the European Commission published its proposal concerning a Soil Monitoring and Resilience law. IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes…
Climate change
Council and Parliament are advancing on their positions on the Industrial Emissions Directive
The European Parliament’s Committees on Environment and Agriculture have voted on their reports on the revision of the EU Industrial…
Call for sponsors: Help support our new project on Sustainability Labelling for food
Join us as a sponsor of the IFOAM Organics Europe project on new Sustainability labelling and help us protect the…
High-level policy debate and networking reception organised by TP Organics on "A Soil Deal for Europe and Beyond" on 30 May
TP Organics, the European Technology Platform for Research and Innovation in Organic and Agroecology, whose secretariat is hosted by IFOAM…
National CAP Strategic Plans: On the road to achieving the 25% organic target
The Horizon Europe project OrganicTargets4EU supports the achievement of the targets set by the EU’s Farm to Fork and Biodiversity…
ECO-READY: Developing a European Observatory for short and long-term food and agriculture resilience strategies
The ECO-READY project aspires to identify climate-change drivers affecting food security and biodiversity across Europe. The comprehensive understanding of the EU…
The multiple benefits of organic for climate and biodiversity – visualised in our new infographic
The systemic approach of organic farming contributes to climate mitigation, supports the adaptation of farmers to the consequences of climate…
TP Organics
Farmers at the heart of innovation applying and sharing knowledge in living farm labs
“Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe” is a study by TP Organics, the European technology platform for organic…
Political Hotspot March 2023
After a postponement in November 2022, on 22 March 2023 the European Commision’s proposal for a Directive on substantiation and…
Green claims: The fight against greenwashing must be based on methodologies promoting the transition towards more sustainable food systems
BRUSSELS, 22 MARCH 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes the publication of the Substantiating Green Claims initiative by the Commission,…
Climate change
IFOAM Organics Europe at carbon farming panel discussion
IFOAM Organics Europe has been invited to participate to the event “Carbon farming – New potential for farmers or Greenwashing?”.…
February 2023 Newsletter - Multilingual Edition
Read this Special Newsletter edition in CZ, DE, ES, FR, HU, IT, LT, NL, PL, PT, RO Welcome note Dear reader, Welcome to a very special edition of our newsletter. At…
EU organic movement warns against greenwashing
BRUSSELS, 13 FEBRUARY 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe warns against the misuse of claims, labels, or communication initiatives about food…
Study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land by 2030 published
The European Union’s ambitious Farm to Fork Strategy target of 25% organic farmland by 2030 is a clear statement of…
EU organic movement takes legal action to defend reliable environmental labelling of food products
[disponible en français ci-dessous / available in French below] BRUSSELS/PARIS, 25 JANUARY 2023 – Actors involved in the ecological transition…