In this section you can find all our resources organised by type, topic and sorted chronologically. Click on the kind of resources you’re searching for and browse our latest publications!
Official letters
Serious concerns about the EU Commission proposal on New Genomic Techniques
The European Commission has launched a proposal for the (de-)regulation of new genetically modified organisms (GMOs) or New Genomic Techniques…
Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 20 November 2023 – Points of reflection on agenda item “Regulation on plants obtained by certain new genomic techniques and their food and feed products - state of play"
To: Agriculture ministers of the European Union Re: Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 20 November 2023 – Points of reflection on…
Don't delete article 43 - CAP funding for effective pesticide reductions
Public funds need to be used to support farmers in taking the measures needed to effectively reduce pesticides, protect health…
25 July AGRIFISH Council exchange of views on the Commission’s proposal on NGTs
Re: 25 July AGRIFISH Council exchange of views on the Commission’s proposal on NGTs Dear Agriculture Minister, On 25 July…
Prevent patented GM seeds in Europe resulting from reform of EU GMO regulation
We are writing to express our concerns about a possible flood of patented seeds entering the EU market as a…
Open Letter: CAP Communication - Explicit link between income support and public goods needed
Open letter Annex
Organic infographics and videos
Factsheets and manuals
Global Safety & Risk Assessment Protocol for New Genomic Technologies
The environmental release and widespread production and consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) since the mid-1990s has raised serious ecological,…
Climate-friendly practices on your farm - A practical manual
Extreme temperatures and weather events during the last springs and summers have left no doubt about the relevance of climate…
SOLMACC – Policy recommendations
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU
Keeping GMOs out of organic - Project presentation August 2018-2020
The project ‘Keeping GMOs out of organic’ was developed in 2018 and revised in August 2018, after the adoption of…
SOLMACC - Advocacy leaflet
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU
SOLMACC – Viable climate-friendly farming – Socio-economic strategies
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU – Authors: Sigrid Griese (Bioland), Lin Bautze (FiBL), Ann-Kathrin Trappenberg (IFOAM EU), Stephen Meredith (IFOAM EU), Eric Gall (IFOAM EU) and…
Reports and studies
Sustainability in organic breeding. Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?
Sustainability in organic breeding. Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes? is a briefing providing an overview of the…
Plant health care
Toxicological comparison of pesticide active substances approved for conventional vs. organic agriculture in Europe
There is much debate about whether the (mostly synthetic) pesticide active substances (AS) in conventional agriculture have different non-target effects…
Press releases
Policymakers should respect the organic movement's choice not to use NGTs
BRUSSELS, 30 NOVEMBER 2023 – Speaking at an online press conference this morning, Jan Plagge, President of IFOAM Organics Europe,…
Sprouting discontent: organic movement regrets European Parliament's failure to pesticides reduction
BRUSSELS, 22 NOVEMBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe regrets the European Parliament’s inability to agree on a pesticides reduction regulation. …
IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes progress on pesticides reduction negotiations
BRUSSELS, 24 OCTOBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes today’s vote of the European Parliament Environment Committee on the Sustainable…
European Parliament should uphold ban for all NGTs in organic in rapporteur's report
BRUSSELS, 19 OCTOBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe, the voice for organic food and farming in Europe, is strongly against…
Six-fold increase in organic seeds needed in the next ten years in Europe - 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference shows pathways to make organic seeds a reality
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union put a spotlight on rural areas and agricultural resilience during a High-level Rural…