In this section you can find all our resources organised by type, topic and sorted chronologically. Click on the kind of resources you’re searching for and browse our latest publications!
Official letters
Organic infographics and videos
Factsheets and manuals
Climate-friendly practices on your farm - A practical manual
Extreme temperatures and weather events during the last springs and summers have left no doubt about the relevance of climate…
SOLMACC – Policy recommendations
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU
SOLMACC - Advocacy leaflet
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU
Reports and studies
Organic agriculture and its benefits for climate and biodiversity
Changing the way we produce food can make a big difference in mitigating climate change, can help farmers to adapt…
Agroecology and carbon neutrality in Europe by 2050: what are the issues?
Institute: Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI) – Authors: Pierre-Marie Aubert, Marie-Hélène Schwoob, Xavier Poux
Press releases
[Save bees & farmers press release] 1 million EU citizens tell EU Commission: end the war against nature
On Friday 25 November, representatives of the European Citizens Initiative Save Bees and Farmers delivered a clear message to Vice-President…
Climate change
European organic movement calls for a systemic approach to carbon farming recognising the multiple benefits of organic farming for climate and the environment
BRUSSELS, 27 APRIL 2022 – As carbon farming is a current priority on the EU agenda when it comes to…
Position papers
Climate change
Position paper on carbon farming and the revision of the LULUCF Regulation
Finding synergies between climate action and biodiversity protection. The organic movement welcomes the ‘Sustainable Carbon Cycles’ initiative of the European…