In this section you can find all our resources organised by type, topic and sorted chronologically. Click on the kind of resources you’re searching for and browse our latest publications!
Official letters
Don't delete article 43 - CAP funding for effective pesticide reductions
Public funds need to be used to support farmers in taking the measures needed to effectively reduce pesticides, protect health…
Joint open letter on the need to publish the EU legislative framework for Sustainable Food Systems before the end of this Commission’s mandate
Brussels, 6th September 2023 Dear President von der Leyen, We, the undersigned organisations, and distinguished academics, are writing once again…
Climate change
EU LULUCF consultation
Organic infographics and videos
Reports and studies
Sustainability in organic breeding. Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?
Sustainability in organic breeding. Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes? is a briefing providing an overview of the…
Environmental impacts of achieving the EU’s 25% organic land by 2030 target: a preliminary assessment
The European Union’s Farm to Fork Strategy target of a 25% organic share of agricultural land by 2030 is ambitious…
Press releases
Sprouting discontent: organic movement regrets European Parliament's failure to pesticides reduction
BRUSSELS, 22 NOVEMBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe regrets the European Parliament’s inability to agree on a pesticides reduction regulation. …
IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes progress on pesticides reduction negotiations
BRUSSELS, 24 OCTOBER 2023 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes today’s vote of the European Parliament Environment Committee on the Sustainable…
Six-fold increase in organic seeds needed in the next ten years in Europe - 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference shows pathways to make organic seeds a reality
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union put a spotlight on rural areas and agricultural resilience during a High-level Rural…
Organic and agroecological farming are the best guarantee for long-term food security
Brussels, 5 September 2023 – At today’s high-level expert webinar “Safeguarding long-term food security“, TP Organics, the European Technology Platform…
Climate change
Response to article claiming organic farming has increased carbon emissions
The article published in the mail online on the paper ‘Does certified organic farming reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural production?…
Position papers