In this section you can find all our resources organised by type, topic and sorted chronologically. Click on the kind of resources you’re searching for and browse our latest publications!
Organic infographics and videos
LIVESEED - Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe
Seeds are the foundation of farming. Therefore, organic production should start with organic seed. Applying organic seed is mandatory according…
SOLMACC - Advocacy leaflet
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU
SOLMACC – Viable climate-friendly farming – Socio-economic strategies
Institute: Ekologiska Landbrukarna, FiBL , Bioland, AIAb and IFOAM EU – Authors: Sigrid Griese (Bioland), Lin Bautze (FiBL), Ann-Kathrin Trappenberg (IFOAM EU), Stephen Meredith (IFOAM EU), Eric Gall (IFOAM EU) and…
Reports and studies
Assessment of agricultural and aquaculture policy responses to the organic F2F targets (OrganicTargets4EU)
This report provides a comparison of organic farming and aquaculture support policiesin the periods 2021-2027 and 2014-2020, to see how…
Report on contaminants present in food - Evaluation of survey results
This report contains the results of a survey on contaminants on food and how to deal with them. The survey…
Pilot study of spray drift on small organic farms in Switzerland
Spray drift is a major problem for organic farmers, particularly in small fields (Speiser and Kretzschmar, 2021). To support the…
Cases of pesticide residues – Illustrating the decisions taken by control bodies and control authorities in Europe
The handling of organic products contaminated with pesticide residues is highly diverse within Europe. Also, differences between different actors within…